One of the problem in government bureaucracy is providing fund allocation for the programs and projects that a head of agency conceptualizes needing immediate action. Providing a budget for government projects takes almost three years before its actual implementation could be made. You have to prepare for the proposal for budgetary allocation (at least, a year ahead); present it for appopriation before the Department of Budget and Management (another year); and, to Congress and the Senate to be included in the general appropriations act (another year). Whether the Congress or the Senate will include it in the GAA is another matter. Its good that the project conceptualized by CSC Chairman Ricardo L. Saludo concerning the Pamanang Lingkod Bayan and Scholarship Fund, which was launched when he took his oath of office already took off the ground. Aside from the initial amount contributed by the CSC and the Office of the Vice-President to the program, which aim is to provide scholoarship for the surviving dependents of civilian employees who died in the line of duty, the Office of the President, also contributed a considerable amount. Regardless of politics, its a good project. We hope that Private Foundations providing scholarship grants can also adopt some scholars to be endorsed by the responsible Committee that screens prospective beneficiaries of the program. Surely, these dependents knows what nationalism means by their deceased parents "PAMANA".
Unlike above project, however, the Christian Life Program of the CFC does not depend on government subsidy as it may violate constitutional provision against appropriating fund to favor a religion. It was a voluntary act by the community of Christians, who serves their fellowmen by sharing their resources, talents and time to spread the spirit of giving and sharing. It is a noble project by the CFC. We do not know if there exists grants or projects where the government does not have a counterpart fund. Of course, except for the time during breaks and the minimal expenses, the CLP is purely a missionary work and does not expect any reciprocity from the government. There are also Born Again Christians and other religious organizations in every government institution and we hope that all of them shares the common vision, Christianity after all means giving, sharing and loving.

Brother Bobot Bautista, the organizer, returned as host after recovering from a mild illness. We hope that the Music Ministry of the CFC who served in this undertakeing can have their own MTV and a concert at the Kalikasan Park of the CSC in the near future just like what we are proposing to the Christian youth in Camarin, who now have a DVD of their Shining for Jesus Concert" . Like this site we developed, the project was purely a voluntary work - as a gesture of appreciation to the CFC, we made this site. After all, Christianity simply means sharing of talents, giving what we can and what we have for the benefit of all regardless of faith; and, how to reciprocate what others gave. The last one, others usually ignore. For humans, Loving is a two way lane. For Him, its "Agape". That is what the power of (His) love means. The lesson we have learned from the story of a Good Samaritan - the basic creed of Christian faith. We hope that the seed we are planting grows like viruses that creeps into our computers.